One or more service catalogues can be created: You may have a single database covering all the services or catalogues created for individual products and services
Create service catalog for interested parties: Interested parties for most of the Organizations are their customers, employees, partners or even Government
Describe the services: Describe in detail about the product/service, its intended outcome, model name, service availability, location, dependency on other services. One could also include pricing, delivery timelines, end of live date and end of support dates
Do not expose all the services to the customers: The provisioning team must maintain an internal service catalog. Details of such services are internal and must not be displayed to the customer. One can create a separate Internal service catalog. In fact a service organization must have a internal service catalog at department or sub-department level
Many companies provide a very brief information from their catalog directly to their websites. For instance Google cloud and many other cloud providers list all their services in the console itself
In the above example you can see that under Compute engine various services Google cloud has to offer. Internally Google must be maintaining a detailed catalog which captures the dependency, location, availability, warranty information, SLA’s for each service.